Nature Connection Practices For Colour Makers - An Online Class With Ida Fabrizio - 10th & 17th July


4-5.30pm BST on Wednesday the 10th & Wednesday the 17th July

A two part class sharing tools and practices for nature connection aimed at those who are growing and foraging for natural colour. 

This class invites you to pause and connect with nature while harvesting natural colour-making materials. Whether you are collecting plants and earths in the countryside or the city, learn practices that deepen awareness of the plants, animals, and minerals in your local environment.

In the first session, we will delve into some foundational core routines which you can integrate into your life and work practices:

  • Explore the reciprocity between humans and plants.

  • Engage all senses to perceive the natural world in new and profound ways.

  • Equip yourself with tools for spending meaningful time in nature through observation and journaling.

The second session will build upon the practices and experiences, sharing stories and insights from nature encounters. Exploration of field guides and sensory awareness exercises will deepen understanding of plant life and ecological connections. An introduction to natural movement practice will help integrate newfound awareness into daily life, promoting balance and agility.

Connecting with nature is paramount for natural colour makers. Understanding seasonal availability and sustainable harvesting practices to ensure the longevity of colour sources, fostering ecological awareness, appreciating the interconnectedness of all living organisms and striving to work with nature in a conscious and responsible way.

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About Ida Fabrizio: Ida is a nature connection facilitator, wildlife and community nature ranger, gardener, outdoor educator, and craft polymath.

Ida currently works as a Nature Prescription Officer. Working with the NHS on training staff and adapting materials for nature prescriptions in doctors surgeries. She trains Community Link workers in Nature connection. She also worked on a pilot funded by the NHS Lothian Charity, in the Western General Hospital bringing nature practices to three wards, working with staff and patients, and also ran nature sessions for staff wellbeing.

Previously, she was an outdoor leader for the Princes Trust Get Started programme, where she designed and led a programme for young adults, not in education, employment or training, to connect them to nature, and give them practical experience in outdoor nature leadership and nature conservation.

Ida set up from scratch a community food growing garden on 1.2 acres of land for the Castle Climbing Centre in London. . She worked with the Castle to incorporate the project into their business using Permaculture methods to design and maintain the space. The garden supplies fruit and vegetables and herbal tea blends for their cafe and sell surplus produce. She managed volunteers and trainees, to help set up and build the garden and manage them now to maintain it.